Mobile Research Conference 2010
Save the date for MRC�10 � the second annual Mobile Research Conference
The Mobile Research Conference is the first industry event entirely dedicated to mobile surveys, connecting scientific research and best corporate practice.
Mobile phone browsers, texting and file-sharing offer new and exciting ways of conducting research. The main benefits are:
In-the-moment. Reaching respondents anytime, anywhere, means authentic, in-the-moment responses.
Instantaneous. With a willing network available, you�ll be surprised at the fast turnaround - perfect to get a qualitative sense of the situation prior to, or in addition to, a fuller quantitative study.
Inclusive. The fact is, some audiences are impossible to reach otherwise! It may be the only way to engage millennials, traveling business professionals, and �off the grid� households.
Sign up now and receive alerts on all news concerning MRC, program updates and topics related to mobile research. Be sure to let us know who you want to hear from most at the event, or submit a proposal to speak at the event yourself!
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